5,000 trees seedlings planted in maasai mau forest

Photo showing The Daniel Mukung planting tree seedling


About 5,000 tree seedlings were planted in Maasai Mau Forest during the launch of Long Rains Tree Growing Season by the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) countrywide under the theme of 15 billion trees by 2032.

Speaking during the launch in Maasai Mau forest, the Narok County forest conservator, Daniel Mukung’ said 5,000 tree seedlings planted in Maasai Mau Forest Block were a collaboration between Paran women group and Kenya Forest Service(KFS).

Mukung said the site was chosen because it was invaded by squatters and was seriously degraded.  In 2017-2018 those who were illegally occupying the forest were evicted, now they were trying to restore it back.

Mukung said the Mau forest was divided into restoration blocks for ease of adoption by the partners who were interested in conservation. adding that a block is one kilometer square.

He added that so far, they had over 136 blocks adding that they had done 48 blocks since 2019 up to date and the survival is quite impressive.

Mukung applauded the Eden restoration project where they adopted the largest number of blocks in the Mau forest adding that they had managed to do 16 blocks out of the adopted 56 blocks.

Other partners who had adopted blocks in Maasai Mau Forest are; KFS, adapted 8 blocks, ministry of energy 2 Blocks, Kenya water towers, 8 blocks and many others coming in on board for adoption.

The conservator encouraged other partners who were interested in the conservation to come in and adopt blocks.

Mukung said the positive effect has been felt, water levels in the rivers have risen up and animals which are endangered are back.

“As we speak, everybody is happy, and if we continue planting trees the positive impact is going to be felt more.” added Mukung’

The county forest conservators were leading the exercise in all the 47 counties with the collaboration with the county governments and national government officials.

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