8 dead following inter community land disputes in Madogo

Mohamed Chora Said, who lost his brother in the inter-clan land disputes in Bangale Sub County speaks to the press. The residents are now calling on the Inspector General of police to transfer all police officers at the Madogo police station


Eight people have been killed in separate areas of KBC grounds, Charidende, Nanigi and Anole, in Bangale sub county, Tana River following inter community clashes over land disputes.

Seven had been killed until yesterday, while one was killed earlier this morning. In addition, at least 20 houses have been torched in Bula Vango and KBC ground areas.

Due to frequent flooding along River, the county government came up with a cluster program to move people from the flood-prone Mororo area to higher grounds at along the Junction – Bura road but there has been an alleged resistance from some members in the area arguing that the land is theirs and should not be used to settle others.

This caused tensions to build up leading to the clashes that has led to the deaths. The area residents are now blaming the local security agencies for failing to show up in time and save the situation. Led by Mohamed Chora Said, who lost his brother in the skirmishes, they are now calling on the Inspector General of police to transfer all police officers at the Madogo police station.

“I was with my brother when we were attacked by people with guns. My brother was first shot at the hand but I could not save him because I ran for my safety as they shot him more to death,” Chora narrates the horror they met with. “Why are our security agencies here allowing people to have guns and kill our people in broad daylight? We do not have faith in the current OCS and we want him transferred,” said Swaleh Chereru, another resident of the area.

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