Forests play an important role in the environment, it’s home to some of our planet’s most extraordinary biodiversity. They are also essential in the fight against climate change, this brings about the importance of forest management plan. A forest management plan defines the planned forestry activities, specifying objectives, actions, and control arrangements in a forest area.
Kenya Forest Service (KFS) launched two participatory forest management plans with communities in Nyandarua County in a bid to conserve the natural resources of the area. The service also signed forest management agreements with the Community Forest Association (CFA) from Ndaragwa and Ol-Bolosat forests in an effort to empower the Community Forest Associations and communities living around the forests and enable them to take ownership and responsibility for their well-being.
Jerome Mwanzia, who was the guest speaker and the manager of Green Zones Development Support Project (GZDSP) phase two which was financed by the African Development Bank and the Kenyan government, emphasized on the importance of the CFAs in forest management and protection especially at this time when the country is grappling with adverse effects of climate change and government’s efforts to reclaim and enhance forest cover. He said that protection and management could not be entrusted fully to governments or external organizations.

Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and the communities holding a signed agreement during the launch.
Photos by Mueni Munuve
“The Community Forests Associations are important in the management and protection of forests, especially at this time when our country is experiencing adverse climate change effects and the government’s efforts to reclaim and boost forest cover, so we cannot fully assign it to the government or external organizations.” He said.
He added that the responsibility of protection and conservation of water towers could be fully achieved by Kenya Forest Service (KFS) when it collectively works together with the communities living adjacent to the forests. “The responsibility of protection and conservation of water towers will be effectively achieved if the communities that live near the forest collaborate with the Kenya Forest Service.” He said
He also noted that the Participatory Forest Management Plans (PFMPs) launch and signing of the Forest Management Plan (FMA) is the beginning of hope in the country’s mission to conserve forests and improve the livelihood of local communities.
The agreement placed the local communities at the heart of conservation adding that their insights, traditional knowledge, and stewardship were invaluable in ensuring the lasting of the forest.
“This signing of the Forest Management Plan and the launch of the Participatory Forest Management Plan is a new beginning of hope in the country’s mission to conserve forests and improve the livelihood of our communities, it has also placed all of us in the heart of forest conservation and your insights, traditional knowledge and stewardship are invaluable in ensuring that the forests last long.” He said.
During the launch, the residents were cautioned against grazing their livestock in the forest since the government has instituted an order refraining them from grazing their animals at night.