Acidity in the soils, slow production 

Majority of the farmers are turning to soil tests and seeking advice from the agronomists on the application of fertilisers. With the onset of rains, the number of farmers seeking soil testing is on the rise to help them make informed decisions on the application of the fertilisers  and other inputs.

Jane Mumbi a resident in Mathioya says her coffee farm in Kangunu area, Mathioya was less productive until she resolved to seek for the agronomist services and advised for soil tests.

She said she was advised to use lime to reduce the acidity in the soils and application of the right fertilisers. “Am today harvesting not less than 2,500 kilogrammes of coffee cherries, above the 1,300 kilogrammes I was getting in the past five years,” said Mumbi.

Agronomist Peter Ndinwa says most of the soils were toxic thus nonproductive and require conditioners to help amend their properties to regain stability.  Ndinwa, senior agronomist at SEEDPRO AFRICA LTD.

Speaking in Kandara, Ndinwa said main challenges affecting agricultural production in Kenya, are soil acidity and nutrient deficiencies.   He further explains that 7.5 million hectares in Kenya arable land soils are acidic leading to reduced crop yields annually.

“To address the problem of low production in the farms, farmers are advised to embark on soil testing, and pursue the advice on the use of balanced non soil acidifying planting fertilizers,” said the agronomist.

 He adds that there are many tests being undertaken by experts following soil analysis reports throughout the country.

“Regular soils test will have a major impact on food production in Kenya to feed the increased population in the coming years” said Ndinwa.

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