Agony as seasonal rivers briefly cut off areas in Turkana

flooding caused by heavy rainfall in several parts of Turkana County

Heavy Rain

Passengers, motorists and traders in several parts of Turkana were on Monday left stranded due to flooding on several seasonal rivers. The floods were caused by heavy rains experienced in most parts of the county. River Nabuin and Naotin in Loima and Turkana Central respectively were impassable due to high levels of water.

The two seasonal rivers left passengers and motorists along Kangalita-Lodwar route stranded for hours before the water levels could subside to enable them continuing with their broken journeys.

John Loboe a driver for Good People Company who was headed to Lodwar said that he was late for his engagements in office due to heavy rain and floods that made him stranded for almost two hours.

 “I am supposed to transport Good People staff to Kalokol to meet and engage parents of the kids sponsored under our programme at KAG Church. I have spent almost two hours here at Nabuin after heavy rainfall and flooding,” he said.

River Naotin was also impassable, and it caused delays to Livestock traders and other businesspersons. They too had to wait for water to subside before they could continue with their journeys. Nicholas Akol who was taking his goats to Lodwar Market for sale was among those delayed due to flash floods in this River.

“The floods made my journey stop here at Naotin as from 7am. I don’t think I am going to sell these goats today because the livestock market operates mostly during morning hours,” he cried.

As the residents cried about the inconveniences caused by nature. The Meteorological department did not have good news for them warning that they may need to prepare for even more hardships.

According to the county meteorological director Francis Muinda, several wards in Turkana County will receive moderate to very heavy rainfall (10-140) mm over the next two weeks.

Residents are advised to be on the lookout for potential floods and strong winds. “Flood waters may appear in areas where it has not rained heavily especially downstream and strong winds may blow off roofs, uproot trees and cause structural damages,” said Muinda.

Turkana County is expected to experience morning rains as well as afternoon showers and thunderstorms over several places during the course of the forecast period.

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