AMWIK condemns police shooting of a journalist during antigovernment demonstrations

AMWIK Executive Director Queenter Mbori speaking in a past event.


The Association of Media Women in Kenya (AMWIK) has in the strongest terms condemned the police brutality against a Nakuru based journalist during antigovernment protests on Tuesday.

The Association was reacting to the shooting of Mediamax journalist Catherine Wanjeri by police on Tuesday while covering the protests in Nakuru County. AMWIK Executive Director Queenter Mbori said this act of violence was not only a direct attack on Wanjeri, but also a blatant assault on freedom of the press, a cornerstone of the Kenyan democracy.

“Journalists must be allowed to do their jobs without fear of intimidation or violence,” said Mbori, adding that they were vital in informing the public and holding those in power to account. In a press statement, Mbori said those engaged in brutality, attacks and harassment of journalists must be held accountable to the full extent of the law.

 “We call on the Kenya police to conduct a thorough and speedy investigation into the incident,” she said   She urged the security apparatus to prioritize the protection of journalists and their right to report freely.

Mbori said AMWIK remained committed to advocating for the safety and protection of journalists in the country.

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