Arati to nominate a deputy governor with integrity

Kisii Governor Simba Arati has 14 days to nominate his deputy following the impeachment of Robert Monda  by the senate.

 Residents in Kisii said  the governor should nominate another person to replace Monda, who was ousted after the senators voted to uphold all four charges brought against him by the Kisii County Assembly. Monda a former Nyaribari Chache MP is the first deputy governor to be removed from office through impeachment since the counties were established in 2013.

 Peter Mokaya said Arati should ensure he gives the Kisii people the best after Monda embarrassment.

“The governor should gauge his nominee and ensure we come out of the embarrassment created by Monda, who was a thorn in flesh even to his family,” said Mokaya.

  Monda impeachment  followed family feud, and  bribery accusations which were proved by the senate after burning midnight oil  cross examining the witnesses.

Following the division, it is evident that the senators upheld the impeachment charges, which include gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office, gross misconduct, and offenses under national law,” said Senate Speaker Amason Kingi.

 In the voting, 39 Senators voted yes for the first two charges while three opposed as one abstained.

35 Senators voted in favour of the third charge while seven dissented as one abstained.

Monda was accused of soliciting Sh800,000 from a local to secure a job for his son and even intimidated the family which went into hiding when they complained.

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