Assembly deals with its representatives in the service board

Murang'a County Assembly

Two MCAs representing the Murang’a county assembly in the County Assembly Service Board have been fired over the claims of inability to represent their interests.

The two, Simon Wamwea( Ng’araria) and Elizabeth Mwangi (Kimorori Wempa) were removed from the key committee on grounds of vote of no confidence, misrepresentation, financial mismanagement and incompetence.

Twenty-nine MCAs out of 47 supported the impeachment motion moved by Muguru MCA Moses Muchiri. They passed a motion to impeach them following failure to communicate back to them after they raised their issues among them delayed salaries and allowances.

“The worst accusation is that the duo went to China on public expense without the knowledge of the speaker who is supposed to be notified as the procedure demands,” said Muchiri.

Gitugi MCA Edwin Wairagu said the motion was not malicious as the members have been interested in feedback after presentation of their grievances to the board chaired by speaker Johnson Mukuha.

Others who supported the ouster motion were Mbiri MCA Benard Ruiru,Kagundu ini MCA Samson Mukora, Njeri Muchiri among others.

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