Avocado society identifies with Agriculture CS nominee

Ernest Muthomi CEO Avocado Society of Kenya

The Avocado Society of Kenya congratulates Dr. Andrew Karanja who has been nominated Agriculture Cabinet Secretary, The Society CEO Ernest Muthmi says Dr Karanja credentials describe a Kenyan who is up to the task.

Dr Karanja, Muthomi says was the Agriculture and Rural Development Donor Group (ARDDG) Chair (World Bank) when the group had Agriculture & ASALs combined. During the tenure of former Principal Secretary Dr. Romano Kiome.

“He handed over to Dominique Dovoux (EU) at a time when ASALs & Agriculture split into two separate groups. Later FAO, USAID, Sweden, EU, IFAD, World Bank, USAID served the Troika” he said.

Dr. Karanja, Muthomi explains supported coffee sector reforms with the assistance of a Presidential Task Force.

With Kiome, Dr Karanja worked with the strong Agriculture Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU) then and implemented the Strategy for Revitalization of Agriculture (SRA). He is knowledgeable in programmatic approaches & effective development cooperation.

The avocado society and stakeholders, Muthomi says wish Dr Karanja all the very best.

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