Baragoi youths enroll in TVET

Hairdressing trainees practice plaiting hair on mannequins at the Baragoi TVET which is now operational after it opened its doors to 63 students.


The first ever modern Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution in Samburu North sub-county has been operationalised.

This is after the college situated in Baragoi town enrolled 63 pioneer trainees who will acquire technical skills that will make them employable and also create employment.

Speaking during the County Implementation Coordination Management Committee, the Samburu North TVET Principal Peter Lemalasia noted that the students would be trained on courses that would enable them get employment in the national government’s affordable housing project which is part of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda.

“We are offering them courses like plumbing, water engineering, electrical installation, social work, cosmetology among others most of these courses are in demand in various sectors of the economy,” he said.

The Principal expressed optimism with the first government sponsored students saying that technical courses were being received well in the pastoralists’ region.

“We have enrolled 34 male and 29 female trainees who will undertake various technical courses for six months. High enrollment of youths will also see a reduction overdependence of livestock as a source of livelihood and consequently a reduction in cattle rustling in Baragoi,” Lemalasia added.

He called on the government to expedite equipping the institution so that the trainees could have practical lessons.

The Baragoi TVET becomes the third government sponsored institution of higher learning in operation in Samburu County after Archers Post TVET in Samburu East and Maralal polytechnic.

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