Barchok Acknowledges Gen Z’s right to protest against his administration, amidst governance concerns

Bomet Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok flanked by his deputy Shadrack Rotich addressing the Media outside his office on the planned demonstration that has been staged by Bomet youths.


Bomet Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok has welcomed peaceful expressed demonstrations planned by Bomet’s youth against his administration, acknowledging their constitutional right to protest and present grievances to public offices.

Speaking to the media amidst growing anticipation and tension ahead of today’s scheduled protests, Barchok emphasized the importance of peaceful engagement in addressing concerns affecting the youth and residents of Bomet County. The planned demonstrations come in the wake of widespread dissatisfaction among residents over issues of poor governance, prolonged water shortages and inadequate social amenities.

The governor acknowledged these grievances, reaffirming his administration’s commitment to addressing the challenges faced by the community, particularly in areas such as unemployment. “We have always engaged with the youth to find solutions to their problems, and we understand their frustrations.

Our inaugural youth conference in April, which brought together 1500 young people from across Bomet, demonstrates our commitment to empowering the youth and exploring opportunities in the digital space,” Barchok stated, highlighting ongoing efforts to support youth development in the county.

In anticipation of Thursday’s protests, Governor Barchok welcomed the initiative taken by Bomet’s youth to exercise their rights responsibly. “In this regard, we welcome our very own Gen Z from Bomet who have chosen to exercise their right to protest and present petitions to my office tomorrow. As a government entity, we are bound by the constitution and have a responsibility to listen and address their issues,” he affirmed.

“We have noted with concern that some leaders may attempt to hijack these protests for their own political agendas, potentially causing disruptions to businesses and county operations,” the governor warned, while emphasizing the need for constructive dialogue and responsible leadership during the protests.

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