Bishop, former MP embroiled in a nasty social media tiff dividing their followers

Jesus Compassion Ministries (JCM) founder and proprietor Benson Gathungu alias Muthee Kiengei is embroiled in a nasty frosty social media beef with former Gatundu North MP Wanjiku Wa Kibe dividing their supporters who have degenerated into tearing each other to appeal either of the two.

Kiengei, a comedian, gospel artist, journalist cum prelate worked with the former MP who is also a journalist at Kameme fm, a vernacular radio station in 2012 when the former legislator was the Head of Radio before she was fired and joined politics but it is Kiengei’s sacking in the same year that is at the heart of the nasty exchange, as he (Kiengei) sensationally dragged Kibe on his sacking.

” Wanjiku Kibe, I chose to respect you despite what you did to me in the year 2012 when I joined Kameme fm during your tenure as the head of radio up to today, but touching on Jcm Church Just because Mheshimiwa Kùrùria visits us will make me lay out my pain on you,” the Kameme fm comedian and the JCM bishop wrote on his Facebook account.

He continued with Kikuyu dialect “Wanjiku, riria ndokire kameme fm mwaka wa 2012, niwe warì head of radio na ndarehwo rùcinì twikage show na Njogu wa Njoroge, after one month, wanjìtire ofisi yaku na ùkìnyingata Kameme fm, worio nì former C.e.o wa Mediamax wamwìrire Mwanake ùcio ndarì na kìheo na nìaroka wìra ena gìko. ùkìnjìra njoke River Road tondù niì ndìwa street Comedy noti wa radio, nanoguo ndekire ngìcoka River Road ndacokire kùrogotwo nì Hon Sabina Wanjiru Wa Chege akìndwara Kbc onginya rirìa kìhenjo atigire wìra Gatonye Mbugua akìnduta Coro fm ngìùka Mawoshimeni ngìkora nawe nìwabutwo kameme fm… (Come here and say that these are lies).

His post is loosely translated to mean “When I joined Kameme fm in 2012, when you were the head of Radio, I was given the morning show to host alongside Njogu Njoroge, after one month, you summoned me in your office and you dismissed me from Kameme fm claiming I belonged to street comedy and not in radio and when you were asked the reason for dismissing me by the former CEO you claimed I had no talent and that I came to work with dirt and that is what I did…”

He further claimed he forgave the former MP and to demonstrate that, he campaigned for her before switching to support her successor when he realized that she could not win the elections.

Kibe did not take Kiengei’s post lying down and challenged Kiengei to post the alleged firing letter while dismissing the remarks as untrue and defending herself that she has never been a malicious person.

“Kindly encourage your Bishop to be a truthful person because those who know me well, can attest I’ve never been a malicious person and I try to do good to people and assist where I can even though I never get the same measure.What Kiengei didn’t tell you is that, I’m the one who discovered his talent through a talent search program that I had conceptualized and he participated in the Nakuru on ground Kameme talent search. Voting was being done on Kameme radio on air and he was one of the finalists,” the former MP wrote while credsiting herself for giving Kiengei a chance to co-host the morning political show.

She claimed it was Kiengei’s co host who said they did not have chemistry and that he could not continue hosting the show with him stating that by that time, Kiengei had not been formally employed and had to temporarily take a break until another opening/opportunity came up.

“It’s unfortunate that the good I did for Kiengei has now turned out to be a crime. God knows I never said the things he is alleging but I understand he is playing reverse psychology and he’s very mean with the truth. How would I participate in identifying someone’s talent then kill the same talent? The CEO he is referred to, everyone knows he was a serious micro manager and he even terminated my contract in 2012. Most probably he lied to Kiengei that I’m the one who didn’t want him after I left. What Kiengei doesn’t know is that I was his ambassador in ensuring that he got employed.,” she vented in a long post.

The online altercation was triggered by Kibe’s post where Kiengei was seen claiming he was the one who ‘anointed’ the current MP Njoroge Kururia to become the Gatundu North MP.

“Im the one who anointed Njoroge Kururia to become Gatundu North MP. I removed him from Ruiru and took him to AIPCA Kanjuku when I was the Secretary General for AIPCA church. I transferred him there and he has never forsaken us and he gave us Sh1.5 million to buy the chairs. He is the reason why the church looks like this, Kiengei told his congregants in an event attended by the MP.

Irritated by the video Mis Kibe responded ‘If I go to such a church and I’m poor could I be recognized and paraded in front,” she posted, eliciting Kiengei’s harsh response in defense to his church.

Kiengei left African Independent Pentecostal Church of Africa (A.I.P.C.A) ON February 2023 where he had served for two years to open his church which has mushroomed to Muranga, Embu, Nakuru, Narok, Kiambu, Olkarau, Naivasha, Engineer, Githurai, Thika, Kenol, Nyeri, Nakuru, Nyahururu branches.

He opened his church on the premises of giving food to the poor and constructed ‘the Lord’s store’ where wellwishers donate foodstuffs which is in turn given to the poor, a narrative that earned him massive support from the poor who complained that they have been oppressed by the mainstream churches. The politicians and advertising companies have also been thronging to the church to donate in exchange of the airtime to endear themselves and their products to the masses. He also opened a television to  aid in his ministry and is set to be ordained as the bishop on June 21 this year at the church located in Eastern By pass.

But he does not shy away from controversy, in March 23 last year, Kiengei was embroiled in a tiff with his former bishop at the AIPCA after the latter claimed Kiengei left AIPCA after he was not promoted as was his desire claiming he wanted the church to disregard the protocol because he was a celebrity.

“There is power and order in the church. In Gatundu, you have set a record after bringing a pastor who became a drama. He wants to be bigger than all of us,” the bishop alleged, adding that in the Independent Church, laws govern the church,” the bishop said.

The bishop further stated that Kiengei wanted to dethrone all the other bishops because of his huge following on social media.

“In independent church we have rich people who come to serve God with their wealth. There are celebrities in Independent churches but we have to respect the system despite you being very big accusing him of taking drama and comedy in their church.

He also accused the comedian of fundraising money through the live session on social media but did not give it in church.

“I am not fighting anyone since I am the one who brought him to you people. I know everything. We have our online following, and they pay tithe. He used to make thousands of money through this church but took everything to his wife. We want a management that can help us fundraise and help the needy. Don’t be threatened by anyone since they have a huge following. Let them go…” he added.

Kiengei has responded, saying the bishop should stop spreading lies about him.

“I am now in my ministry, and if is to become a bishop, it could have happened the same day I began, but there is a spiritual procedure to become one, and that’s why I am still Pastor Ben until the day when senior men and women who are ordained in the Bishopric office will ordain Pastor Ben…”

He added that only AIPCA Kibia Memorial Cathedral could explain why Pastor Ben was disappointed and denied making his money from church business and instead claimed that he spent over Sh60,000 from his pocket every Sunday to serve God.

“I want to be a bishop not to benefit myself but to serve a larger area. I have never eaten tithe for the past two years. I use eight cars daily, and the one that uses less fuel spends Sh3,000. All my team members are paid. Every Sunday, I spend Sh60,000, and the church has never funded me for that.” He said adding that he was paid Sh3500 after service every Sunday.


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