British High Commissioner to Kenya, admire Maasai culture

Wigan addressing during the Maa Council of Elders meeting


British High Commissioner to Kenya, Neil Wigan, has commended Maasai culture and the historic relationship of the community with the British Government.

While speaking during the Maasai Council of Elders meeting that drew all the elders from Maa counties, Wigan said Britain appreciate the Maa communities and their Culture.

The meeting held at the Chairman of Maa Council of Elders, Keleina Nchoe’s home, at Naisuyia in Narok, was attended by Governor Joseph ole Lenku of Kajiado County and Governor Patrick Ntutu of Narok County, Narok North Law Maker, Agnes Pareyio, Narok Woman Representative, Rebecca Tonkei and Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Jackson Sapit.

Wigan lauded a team that was led by the Archbishop Sapit, together with the Maasai Council of Elders, where they visited the British High Commissioner’s home in Nairobi and discussed the history and issues affecting the Maasai people.

However, Wigan said they will continue talking about the Maasai history both the present and the future in order to keep the relationship going together and forward.

 “About the history, we will continue talking about the present and the future in order to keep the relationship going together, promising to go back to Nairobi and see what they can do more, to help the Maasai communities,” said Wigan.

Additionally, Wigan said that the Maa Communities are the guardian of the conservation of nature, landscapes and natural resources in the country.

Wigan urged the Maasai to keep working together and making sure they benefit from Tourism and other economic activities. Governor Lenku applauded the community for conserving culture, adding that through culture the Maasai people benefited so far.

Lenku also said that the Maa Economic Bloc, has continued to bear fruits on the economic perspectives of the member counties being Narok, Kajiado and Samburu. Lenku recognized the initiative of conserving the environment, where he mentioned the adoption of the Maasai Mau Forest name as the “queen’s canopy”.

Governor Ntutu congratulated the Maasai Council of Elders for the occasion that brought all the elders from the Maa counties to hare experiences and ensure that the community is heading in the right direction.

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