Bungoma county to distribute 1.27 million Mosquito Nets  to Combat Malaria 

Bungoma County governor Kenneth Lusaka officially launching the distribution of mosquito nets at Makhonge dispensary Kamkuywa Kimilili constituency Bungoma County with 1.27 million mosquito nets to be distributed across the county.


Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has launched the distribution of 1.27 million treated mosquito nets in an effort to combat the malaria pandemic in the county.

The five-day distribution exercises began at Makhonge Dispensary in Kamukuywa, Kimilili constituency Bungoma County with approximately 143,000 mosquito nets being distributed to benefit over 250,000 residents across Kimilili Sub County. Lusaka urged residents to properly utilize the mosquito nets to mitigate the effects of the deadly disease.

“Health is our top priority as we kick off the distribution of mosquito nets across the county,” he said The governor urged residents to keep the nets in good condition and use them to combat malaria, one of the highest killer diseases in the country.

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