Busia to develop County Statistical Abstract (CSA)

Stakeholders engage in group discussions in order to identify gaps and enrich the data collection tools that were used in forming the first CSA in 2015


Busia County has embarked on plans to develop a County Statistical Abstract with a view to assist in planning on its development activities.

Speaking to the press after a sensitisation workshop for various heads of departments at a hotel in Busia town on Tuesday, Busia County head of Statistics Andrew Warambo said that the document is expected to be completed by the end of May this year.

‘Counties did not participate fully in the preparation of the first one (produced in 2015) and therefore much information from the County Departments was not included in that document, he said.

Warambo stated that the forum aimed at sensitising the data producers   with the data collection tools so that they are familiar with them before the main exercise begins.

“As data producers, they need to look at the tools that were used by KNBS in 2015 and ratify them so that they can make modifications where needed,’ he said.

He explained that the document will be very important during the County’s development planning adding that it will provide evidence needed.

The official further said that Busia will be the sixth County to develop such a document after Makueni, Kericho, Laikipia, Uasin Gishu and Nyandarua.

Busia County Chief Officer for Water, Kelly Omboko reiterated that the document will provide baseline data for the County’s development priority areas.

Omboko added that it will also help in decision making on where development partners can assist in the County’s development.


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