Community leases land to cooperative society to enhance livestock value chain

Community being sensitized on the benefits of leasing land to cooperative society to enhance livestock value chain.


Aro KataLokinyi community in Turkana East has accepted to lease their land to Golden Valley Cooperative Society to enhance livestock value chain. The chair, Henry Yanae, accompanied with representatives from Katilia, Elelea, Lotubae, Kangitit and Karuko, together with the local leadership, had consultative meeting in which members consented to the land lease and presented the plan to the Chief Officer for Lands, Leah Losiru as evidence of their acceptance.

In his remarks, Yanae requested the CCO to facilitate an engagement meeting with the Office of the County Attorney to commence drafting of a lease agreement which should serve as a legally binding document with the Golden Valley.
On her part, Chief Losiru was positive about the idea, noting that it was a step in the right direction for the area to ensure productive use of the land.
She emphasised the county’s readiness to support land lease agreements that were directly beneficial to the local community. According to the chief, the Aro Kata Lokinyi Community should take advantage of the Community Land Management Committee (CLMC), owing to their trainings in various land related issues.
“For your information, we have already established committees at Katilia, Elelea, Lotubae Kangitit and Karuko as community resources to be utilized in all land related engagements,” Losiru noted. Golden Valley Cooperative has proposed a model in which the livestock owners register in groups and supply their animals to the Society for value addition into meat products for local consumption and export.
The acceptance of the community was as a result of a public engagement meetings in which the residents were sensitised on the potential benefits of the model presented by the Golden Valley Cooperative Society.

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