Community urged to provide information on gangs

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai addressing a peace meeting in Lokichar


Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has urged local communities and kraals to disclose information about gangs responsible for intra-community attacks in Loima and Turkana South Sub-counties.

Speaking in Lokichar during a community peace meeting, Governor Lomorukai expressed concern that the ongoing conflicts had resulted in lawlessness, loss of lives and was driving residents into abject poverty due to the theft of livestock. The Governor stressed the significance of avoiding politics in peace initiatives, stating that the Lokichar meeting was a continuation of previous discussions on long-term conflict resolution.

 “Peace is vital for the livelihoods and well-being of the Turkana people. This gathering is focused on addressing the challenges we face as residents of Turkana,” he stated. The meeting brought together elected leaders, kraal representatives, the council of elders, clergy, and representatives of the Nyang’atom community of Ethiopia.

Governor Lomorukai expressed optimism that lasting solutions, will be achieved through dialogue and reminded attendees that the responsibility to find solutions lies with the community. He assured the elders that the county leadership is committed to addressing their concerns and emphasized that the issues at stake were much larger than individual ambitions.

The Governor echoed elders’ calls for cattle rustling criminals’ arrest and prosecution, emphasizing the need to reject politicians and leaders who use conflict for political gain. Meanwhile, regarding community land management, Governor Lomorukai said the County Government was developing a spatial plan that would guide the allocation of title deeds.

County Secretary and Head of Public Service Peter Eripete urged elders to address internal conflicts, as they can lead to community division. Lastly, The Governor was accompanied by officials from the County Government, including Chief Officer Etelej Korea, Chief of Staff Peter Loyapan, Administration Director Wiljustus Lopeyok, and Sub County Administrators Simon Koloi. Whereas, a host of Members of County Assembly, led by Lokichar MCA Samuel Lomodo, were also in attendance.

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