County Commissioner pledges to beef up security in Migori

Migori County Commissioner Mr David Gitonga. He pledged to beef up security in Ogwedhi area in Suna East Sub County after waves of robbery and violent attacks in the area. Photo by Janemolly Achieng.


Migori County Commissioner David Gitonga has pledged to beef up security at Ogwedhi area in Suna East Sub County after waves of robbery and violent attacks in the area. Mr Gitonga who spoke on Tuesday during a public baraza at Ogwedhi market said that the government will soon establish a police division to improve the security in the area.

During the security meeting, the residents led by John Odera decried rampant robbery with violence, especially in the evenings that has led to the loss of home and business valuables within the community.Odera called upon the government to establish a police post in the area to curb insecurity and robbery attackers that have deprived them of their daily earnings.

Gitonga however, called upon the locals to cooperate with the police by giving out information to the relevant authorities to help nab the culprits. “The community knows very well these culprits but because of fear, they sit on the information that would have assisted the police nab the culprits and make the area secure and peaceful,” the administrator noted.

Migori County has also been experiencing insecurity, border and land disputes, and cattle rustling cases, especially at Ang’ata Baragoi along the borders of Transmara, and Kuria East Sub Counties.

The peace NGOs in the region, the county and the national government have been calling for peace and harmony among the Kurian, Maasai and Luo communities along the Transmara, Suna and Kuria regions in Migori and Narok Counties for the region’s socio-economic development to prosper.

On the issue of illicit brews, Gitonga said together with the County security multiagency team the fight against the brewing will be won, highlighting that those found brewing, distributing and selling the brews will be treated as criminals.

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