County partners with KCB Foundation in VTC training

Students in a tailoring class at Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Training Institute.


County Government of Embu has entered into a partnership with KCB Foundation to offer free scholarships to 500 Vocational Training Centers (VTC) students in the county.

Through the collaboration, Governor Mabarie said for every shilling the county invests in VTC, KCB Foundation will invest a similar amount that will go a long way in making the program a success. “For every student in VTC that we give full scholarship, they will offer another student the same,” she said.

She said at the end of the training, the beneficiaries will be given startup toolkits for the area of their trade. Speaking from her office on Thursday morning, the Governor said the aim of the program was to equip unemployed and out-of-school young men and women with technical skills to start their own businesses.

To begin with, the Governor said they had set funds aside this financial year for 250 students and were expecting a counter offer of similar amount from the partners. She said the program is meant for the neediest students across the county to give them an equal chance with the rest to realize their life goals.

She said her administration was keen to nurture and support learners to enable them achieve their dreams and contribute to the economic growth of the county. She said they were also projecting to increase the capitation from Sh. 7, 500 to Sh. 15, 000 per child per year to enable them to learn with ease.

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