EACC moves to audit Inua Jamii following alleged malpractice

The Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC)  has kicked off auditing of the Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Programme after the office of the auditor general detected irregularities.

 The commission launched a compliance monitoring exercise of the programme for older persons and senior citizens, in efforts to streamline its operations.

Auditor General Report 2020-2021 investigations detected several irregularities in the programme that exposed millions of shillings paid to the deceased beneficiaries.

In other scenarios,  some beneficiaries were registered in more than one programme contrary to the regulations set by the Ministry of Labour.

” The EACC will carry out the audit exercise in one month and submit its advisory to the Ministry of Labour,” said EACC Commissioner Col (Rtd) Alfred Mshimba.

 The programme has a Sh16.7 billion budget and has over one million beneficiaries.

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