Easter Message on ways to deal with alcoholism

Murang’a Catholic Bishop James Maria Wainaina has lauded the fight against illicit liquor calling on stakeholders’ approach to end the menace.

In his Easter Message, the bishop said closing of the liquor selling and limiting their operating times, are important steps, with more focus on the manufacturers and suppliers of the substandard liquor. In his homily at Gaitega Catholic Church, the prelate emphasised on the need for the government to identify and sanctioning and closing down their businesses.

” The country cannot afford to lose more lives to illicit alcohol. It is unfortunate there are villages where the primary and secondary schools, on the verge of closing down due to low enrolment of children,” said the bishop.

 Wainaina said the efforts by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua  on fighting against the illicit brews should be supported by all.   On the doctor’s strike, the prelate pleaded with the government to initiate a dialogue platform and agree to listen to the grievances.

 Both sides, he said, should agree to set aside their differences and embark in a discussion to find a mutual and beneficial solution for the interest of the suffering millions of Kenyans.

” It is chaotic in many public run health facilities as clinics have been abandoned, ICU units closed, and referral hospitals turning away patients, a trend that should be done away with,” said Wainaina.

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