Embu man hacks wife to death

Residents of Kinyoro Gacengari village in Manyatta Constituency mill around a scene where a 53-year-old man hacked his wife to death on Friday afternoon.


A cloud of grief has engulfed Kinyoro Gacengari Village in Manyatta Constituency, Embu after a 53-year old man hacked his wife to death on Friday afternoon following a domestic feud. The incident took place moments after the couple left the Assistant Chief’s office where his estranged wife, 43, sought help to collect school items for one of their children.

Area, Ena West Sub-location Assistant Chief Spenda Wanjira said they talked and the man named Kariuki agreed to allow his wife collect the items and all seemed okay as they left.

“I was shocked to receive a report less than 30 minutes later that Kariuki had savagely slashed his wife to death using a panga,” she said.

She reported that the couple have had marital issues and had made several visits to her office for assistance. Police have launched a manhunt for the suspect who fled after committing the offense.

Meanwhile, the body was taken to Embu Level Five Hospital for preservation.

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