Environmental Stakeholders raises concerns over Lake Victoria Pollution

Pollution along the beaches of lake Victoria. Photo by Dorene Aluoch


Fishermen and environmental stakeholders in Homa Bay County have raised concern over increased plastic pollution in various beaches in Lake Victoria They said unless the government takes decisive interventions to restore sanity in the lake, the consequences will be direct.

The Chairman of Aluora Makare community-based organisation Willis Omulo urged those living along the shoes of the lake to take part in initiatives aimed to protect the water body from pollution. He said the lake continues to face increased threats mainly from pollution which has resulted in the decline of various fish species in the lake.

Roseline Akinyi, a fish monger, noted that the increased level of pollution of the lake was also promoting disease outbreaks in the lake region. “We call for a collaborative effort in protecting the lake from different forms of harm,” she said.

They urged the County government to put bins in beaches where fisher folks can dispose off waste to protect the lake.

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