ESR program; a database to provide assistance to the poor and vulnerable when need be

Nakuru County Children Coordinator, Alice Wanyonyi during the training of the supervisors and enumerators for the ESR program at Molo social hall.


The government has clarified that the data collected for the Enhanced Single Register (ESR) does not automatically qualify one to benefit from any government social program but instead have ease of referral and provide assistance when need arises.

This was reiterated by the Nakuru County Children Coordinator, Alice Wanyonyi who noted that most of the targeted poor and vulnerable persons have an expectation of becoming immediate beneficiaries of the cash transfer program for the orphans and vulnerable, those living with disabilities as well as that of older persons among other programs.

“It is important for all to get registered since one does not know when a natural calamity may befall them. In the event that one becomes a victim of such occurrences and was not registered, then it will be very difficult to get the appropriate assistance when need be,” said Wanyonyi.

Speaking during a supervisors and enumerators training session held at Molo social hall, Wanyonyi stated that the personal information is required to assist the government get the real data on the ground and have proper plans in the event that any eventuality occurs.

A section of ESR training participants at Molo social hall

“In future, if the government, agencies or partners would want to provide some interventions to the poor population, then then they can have access of the data through the ESR and comfortably introduce a program,” stated Wanyonyi. Affirming the locals that their data is well secured, the children coordinator urged everyone to co-operate with the enumerators and freely provide information during this exercise that is expected to last 21 days.

“Enumerators will have digital mobile phones that they will use to get household details, take a photo of the home and that of the national identification card,” explained Wanyonyi. Data will also be organized from the County to Sub-County, Ward, Location and Sub- location level.

For those who were left out during the listing of household exercise conducted by the social services department after mobilization was done by the chiefs last week, they were urged to ensure they get captured in this one. Similar exercise is going on in various sub-counties within Nakuru County. And Molo sub-county have 7 supervisors and 69 enumerators undergoing the 5 days training.

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