Farmers receive free maize seed

County Executive Committee member (CECM) for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Mr. Francis Miringu address farmers from Wanjohi Cooperative Society at Wanjohi trading center in Nyandarua County.


Over 3600 households in Wanjohi Ward, Kipipiri Sub-County in Nyandarua County have received free maize seeds from the county administration for planting during the ongoing rains.

Speaking when he oversaw the issuance, County Executive Committee member (CECm) for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Mr. Francis Miringu said that the move was aimed at ensuring food sufficiency and fostering growth among the farming community.

“Provision of free maize seeds is a testament to the county administration’s dedication to transforming the farming communities, an initiative that will help farmers especially with the current heavy rains,” he noted.

While calling for farmers to join cooperative societies to access vital government services, the CECM noted that only farmers drawn from cooperatives in the area were receiving the free maize seeds.

“Today we have been able to issue maize seeds to farmers in three cooperatives in Wanjohi ward and it’s a wake-up call to those who have not joined cooperative societies to consider joining because going forward, most of the vital government services will be channeled through the cooperatives,” he emphasized.

The Executive added that once farmers join a cooperative society, they are able to have bargaining power and collective strength to navigate the challenges of the agricultural sector.

The beneficiaries drawn from the three different cooperative societies, Ndemi, Wanjohi and Gatondu Cooperative societies hailed the intervention as a catalyst for increased production and income generation within the agricultural sector.

They expressed gratitude to the county administration for their foresight and commitment to supporting local farmers during times of need.

“We are grateful to the County Administration for the provision of maize seeds because we have been experiencing challenges of shortage during the planting season because our retail shops do not have the seed,” Ms Mary Mwangi, a beneficially from Ndemi Cooperative society, said.

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