Farmers’ seed bank the answer for food resilient systems

Makongo Farmers Network chairperson, Francis Ngiri, displays a glass bottle full of yellow beans. The group, domiciled in Elementaita Ward, Gilgil Subcounty, practices seed-storage as a way of supporting the community in combating the effects of climate change. The group that will be showcasing at the Nakuru ASK show starting Wednesday July 3, 2024, targets to reach more farmers with the knowledge of preservation of indigenous crop variety seeds, as a way of building resilient food systems in the country.

Nakuru County Agriculture Executive (CEC), Leonard Bor, speaks at his Nakuru Office when he received samples of seeds stored in glass bottles by Makongo Farmers Network. Bor, lauded the group for promoting agroecological practices, while assuring farmers of the preserved agrodiversity as a result of their seed- banking practices

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