A cross-stitching project launched by First Lady Mama Rachael Ruto has earned the beneficiaries Sh25 million since its inception.
Dubbed Carakana, the project which has also been introduced in women’s prisons, targets to equip women with the skills to make high quality artefacts for sale to eke a living.
Mama Rachael said the initiative has so far seen 1, 200 women trained, earning them Sh25 million which has impacted positively on the lives of 7, 000 others within their households.
The initiative, she added, has helped many women to live dignified lives while earning respect within the family.
“The beneficiaries are now able to pay school fees for their children and this has also contributed to their mental well-being,” she said.
Speaking during the launch of a workshop at Kisumu Women’s Prison during celebrations to mark the International Women’s Day, Mama Rachel said her office was determined to scale up the program to reach more women.
The First Lady cuts a cake to mark the celebrations
At the correctional facilities, the stitching project, she said, will not only empower inmates with skills to earn a living but also help in their reintegration back into the community once they complete their term.
The correctional facilities, she added, have the potential to change the lives of the women for the better, calling for the strengthening of similar initiatives to mould the inmates into better members of the society.
The workshop, sponsored by Manu Chandaria Foundation targets to equip the inmates with skills to assist them earn a living and rebuild their lives once out of prison.
Correctional Services Principal Secretary (PS) Salome Beacco lauded the stitching program saying it will help the inmates to get back on their feet once released from prison.