Foreign online job seekers warned on suspicious agency recruiters

Nandi County Employment Officer Mrs. Gladys Kibet at her office in County Headquarters Administrative Building, Kapsabet town.


Nandi youths searching for foreign online jobs have been urged to confirm from the National Employment Authority portal whether the agency they are using is genuine or not.

Nandi County Employment Officer Mrs. Gladys Kibet while speaking from her office at the County Headquarters Administrative Building in Kapsabet Town regretted that many people have engaged suspicious online foreign job agencies and ended up losing their hard-earned money or being subjected to other forms of torture.

To avoid scam agents, Kibet said job seekers should confirm from the portal if the agency they were about to use was well registered and they then could proceed with the agency for the application process upon confirmation. She called on the skilled and unemployed persons to submit their academic and professional details to the County Employment Office in Kapsabet Town to have them uploaded on a government approved website.

Kibet noted that youths should have their information captured to begin the job application process in overseas countries. The Employment officer said that they were able to link job seekers and employers online after registration of both the job seeker and the employer.

“We are able to link job seekers and employers’ online registration of both the job seeker and the employer,” she said. She said that they also register recruitment agencies where unlike the job seeker and the employer, the recruitment agencies were charged a fee depending on whether the agency wanted to apply for local or international recruitment licensing.

Kibet revealed that the authority also registers employers so as to have vacancies in their portal, making it easier for job seekers to apply once a vacancy is advertised.

“Those seeking jobs only need to give their details and submit their documents which includes National ID, academic qualifications/ certificates to be captured online, and if a person qualifies for a vacancy advertised by an agency, the agency then communicates back to the person seeking a job to begin application process,” she said

 She added that jobseekers were able to track their application by simply logging into the portal to know their application status. Mrs Kibet said that with the National Skills Inventory (NSI) found in the portal, they captured all details of job seekers and their qualifications to make it easier for the government to retrieve the information from the portal.

She said that they were currently taking nurses to approved Asian countries.

Alternatively, Kibet said that interested persons could make applications on their own by visiting their website, National Employment Authority on WWW.NEA.GO.KE where they just need to create an account and add their details. The office will then verify the information and establish if one qualifies before proceeding to apply.

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