Gatundu South MP arraigned in a Machakos High Court for murder 

Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe at the Machakos High Court Monday.


The Machakos High Court has ordered for a mental assessment for Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe for shooting two people in Thika on May 17. The MP was Monday arraigned before Justice Francis Olel for fatally shooting 26-year old David Nduati and seriously injuring Anthony Kamau at Makongeni in Thika recently.

Kagombe however didn’t not take plea and the court ordered that he be taken to Kiambu Level Five hospital for mental assessment. The court also denied bail for the accused and ordered that he be detained at Muthaiga police station until June 7 when he will appear before the same court for plea taking at 10am.

The MP through his lawyers had applied for bail saying he was not a flight risk as he could not run away from his mandate as the MP for Gatundu South. His lawyers also opposed the arraignment of the MP in Machakos law courts arguing the incident had occurred in Thika.

“The judiciary is not acting at utmost good faith by arraigning our client in Machakos while the incident occurred somewhere in Thika,” they argued. The prosecution however opposed the application saying the matter is being investigated by the DCI headquarters and the accused can be charged anywhere in the country.

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