Government affirms it’s all systems go for roll out of Grade Nine

Classrooms at two different stages of construction which indicates are within the set period of completion.


Over 11, 000 classrooms   for Junior Secondary Schools will be completed    much earlier than expected, a   field survey by Ministry of Education officials has revealed.

A mid-term   review carried out in 13 counties which includes West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, Turkana, Kajiado among others, indicates that most schools   that were identified   in phase one of the project have made remarkable progress based on the plan and completion date.

Basic Education Principal Secretary, Dr Belio Kipsang said a total of 16,000 classrooms will be constructed across the Country, where 11000 will be put up by the Ministry of Education while five thousand classrooms will be constructed through National Constituency Development Fund(NG-CDF).

Most schools visited in West Pokot have   done more than half of the classrooms construction work, despite the challenging terrain and distances from where building materials are sourced. “We are getting these stones from Thika in Nairobi,” Chesta Primary School head teacher Joyce Lomuket told the Inspection team from the Ministry.

Members of the review team from the Ministry of Education and development partners commended the pace of the construction work and were confident that most of the schools will meet the expectations but however discouraged laxity, and poor workmanship.

“We are reviewing the work done but were urge you to share your views, and challenges   because we need the   best in this project,” Mr Walter Agwaro , a director in the   Ministry Education urged the school heads whose schools have the ongoing projects.

The team noted that progress in construction work in Trans Nzoia County was impressive where one of the schools, Namanjalala primary and   Junior School, the construction work was already complete and the contractor was dealing only   with final touches of   three classrooms meant for the Grade 9.

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