Government embarks on service delivery campaign

Mbita Deputy County Commissioner Peter Mutiso. Photo by Davis Langat.


Mbita sub county Deputy County Commissioner(DCC) Peter Mutiso has said that all local government departments have established mobile desks at the grassroots in order to bring services closer to the people.

Mutiso said they were implementing comprehensive sensitization campaign to encourage the adoption of government services. Speaking at Litare beach, where the first outreach program was launched, the DCC said the Homa Bay Huduma center had been incorporated into the outreach campaign in a bid to ensure maximum diversification of services.

He noted that over 2500 people had so far received various services during the outreach in Litare beach, hence a similar campaign will be launched on Ngodhe Island in Lake Victoria on Tuesday 20th to encourage the adoption of government services among its inhabitants.

During the forum, a section of members of the public in Litare beach lamented that some officials of beach management units (BMUs) had developed a habit of assaulting the locals with impunity.  However, Mutiso emphasized the need for legal action against criminal activities perpetrated by various BMUs, citing their frequent brawls amongst themselves.

“Some of the BMUs officials were a law unto themselves, conducting kangaroo courts and meting out corporal punishment, this must end forthwith” the DCC warned. He also called for vigilance against the use of illegal fishing gear to ensure sustainable exploitation of the lake resources.

 On the other hand, Mutiso urged the locals to avoid over reliance on fishing by diversifying to agriculture, real estate, forestry and other business ventures. Meanwhile, the government has intensified surveillance in Lake Victoria to combat the spread of counterfeit goods from neighboring nations.

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