Government ready to implement reforms in education sector

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu

In the radical measures to streamline the education sector, county Commissioners will chair the County Educations Boards (CEBs).

The Basic Education Bill, 2024 drafted by the Ministry of Education for legislation calls for the end of the Basic Education Act, 2013, which is set to be repealed.

The bill demands the Education Cabinet Secretary to appoint an educationist of at least five years standing, and based in the county.

County education board secretary position will continue being held by the County Director of Education.

The proposed changes were unveiled during the Stakeholders Forum on the Draft Sessional Paper and Bills to Implement the Recommendations of the Working Party at the Kenya Institute of Special Education(KISE) by the Education Cabinet Secretary Mr Ezekiel Machogu.

 The changes follow recommendations by the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER), which was established to address the various challenges at all levels in the country’s education system.

Machogu told the stakeholders that the state will restore the Sh22,244 capitation for the Free Days Secondary Education programme annually..

” The capitation had been reduced to Sh17,000  from Sh22,244 due to the restrictive fiscal space, and the restoration of more allocation will help secondary schools to operate effectively,” said Machogu.

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