Governor Barasa asks ODM to stop meddling in Kakamega County Assembly affairs

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa speaking at Isukha Central Ward in Kakamega County.


Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has cautioned the Orange Democratic Movement(ODM) party’s Central Management Committee against trying to dictate and micromanage the operations of the Kakamega County Assembly.

Speaking in Isukha Central Ward, Shinyalu sub-county, Barasa emphasized the need for the party leadership to respect the autonomy of county institutions. “We respect the rule of law and the work being done by the County Assembly of Kakamega. We are not going to be uniquely dictated by the central management committee of ODM,” he stated.

The Governor further underscored the authority given to leaders by the electorate, stressing that no county assembly should be controlled by party organizations. “As leaders, we have the executive authority of the voters, and there is no county assembly that is instructed by the central management committee on how to run their affairs,” he added.

Governor Barasa expressed confidence in the leadership of the Kakamega County Assembly, asserting that it is functioning effectively and in full compliance with the law. He added that the county respects the central management committee noting that all the decisions in the county assembly are executed in accordance with the standing orders.

“ODM is a national party that values democracy and democracy means you let the people run the affairs of their county,” he noted.

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