Governor Barchok and MCAs reach truce after tensions

Bomet Governor Prof. Hillary Barchok flanked by his deputy Shadrack Rotich addressing the Media outside his office on the planned demonstration that has been staged by Bomet youths.


Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok has successfully negotiated a truce with Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) following a politically charged standoff over the suspension of three County Executive Committee (CEC) members.

The resolution came after a closed-door meeting at the County Assembly, where Governor Barchok sought to mend fences with the MCAs. This move was intended to prevent a looming impeachment plot and restore stability within the County’s leadership.

Sources close to the meeting confirmed to Kenya News Agency that the governor, through Assembly Majority Whip Richard Ruto, initiated the reconciliation effort. The meeting aimed to resolve a month-long conflict that led to impeachment motions against the suspended CEC members.

Tensions escalated last week when the impeachment hearing was suspended by the courts. This legal intervention was met with outrage from the MCAs, who accused the governor of obstructing their oversight role. The Governor’s attempt to address the issue through legal means further aggravated the situation.

Faced with the risk of an impeachment vote against him and his entire cabinet, Barchok reached out to the MCAs after two unsuccessful previous attempts to meet.

Despite initial resistance, the MCAs agreed to engage with the governor at the Assembly, a decision attributed to their willingness to resolve the ongoing dispute. Assembly Speaker Cosmas Korir, who was present at the meeting, confirmed that discussions focused on recent political developments.

While he did not disclose specific details, Korir noted that the meeting also served as a platform for the MCAs to deliberate on county development matters.  This resolution is expected to ease the political tensions in Bomet County and pave the way for a more collective relationship between the Governor and the County Assembly, allowing for more effective governance and development initiatives.

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