Governor fires a warning shot to non-performing CECM

Busia governor Paul Otwoma appending his signature on the performing contract for his deputy Arthur Odera (left).


Busia Governor Paul Otuoma has warned his executive that they risk being relieved of their duties if they will not perform. Speaking during the signing of performance contracts for the County Executive Committee Members (CECM), Otuoma said he will not entertain leaders who will derail his effort towards serving the people. 

“If you have been thinking that you are holding that office because of the friendship, that friendship ends today because we are not going to hide the future of our people to retain you. Despite the challenges, service delivery is the main issue now because you will be accountable to us and to the people’ he said.

He reminded his executive to work for the people stating that the county depends on the CECs for policies, operational issues, tactical and implementation issues. You are holding the lives and future generation of people of Busia’  The governor further said his government will not be paying for any travels that were made by county officials without proper authorization.

 ‘I have already issued instructions that anyone who will be paid for being out of station that has got no documentation on where the authorization came from, you will pay from your pocket’ he said He at the same time called on all arms of government to work together to see how they can avail revenue that will help to provide services to the people.

CECM Public service management and governance Pamela Awori (left) and Deputy governor who is also CECM health and Sanitation Arthur Odera (right) signing their performance contract.

“As we speak today health has a deficit of 600 million, where are we going to get this money if we will not agree to work together? ‘Let us all collectively mobilise for revenue that will help us work for our people’,’ he said.  Busia deputy governor who is also the CECM of health and sanitation Arthur Odera said that the performance contracts will improve the service delivery in the county.

“We must start by explaining that contract to ourselves before we can explain and cascade to others. This is something that must go to every employee of the county government of Busia within a short time. I know it will be tough, taking a lot of time, energy and best communication ability for everyone to understand and embrace it’ he said.

Public service board chairperson Michael Onyura urged the CECMs to ensure that they honor the contract they have signed adding that none of the officials should breach their contracts because it is for the best interest of the government and the people of Busia.

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