Homa Bay County ECDE teachers protest over dues

Homa Bay County ECD teachers hold demonstrations over poor pay and employment terms.

Early Childhood and Development Education(ECDE) teachers in Homa Bay County held street demonstrations to protest failure by the government to give them permanent and pensionable terms and review their salaries.

The teachers claimed that the county government failed to implement their commitment to put them on permanent terms of employment with effect from January this year.

Led by the Kenya Union of Pre-primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) county Chairperson Michael Odera, the teachers said that they were disappointed when they received their play- slips reflecting the same pay they were getting last year.

“As teachers, we are disappointed. We are being taken for granted, and we are not respected,” he said.

He said some teachers have retired without receiving their pension, adding that the county government has not communicated even after they issued a 3-day strike notice.

According to the Homa Bay KUPPET Secretary Benard Ouma, the union had signed an agreement with the former governor Cyprian Awiti to put the 898 teachers on permanent and pensionable (P and P) employment terms.

He said the current administration however reviewed their pay downwards following a recommendation by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission and revoked the terms, putting them on permanent terms.

Odera stated that the teachers only received their P and P salaries for 4 months before the terms were revoked.

“We want our Permanent and Pensionable terms to be reinstated so that we can enjoy permanent employment as other employees in the county,” he affirmed.

The teachers lamented over the low pay and delayed payments, saying that they have responsibilities and bills to cater for.

They vowed to continue with peaceful street demonstrations until their demands were honoured.

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