Homa Bay residents celebrate appointment of Mbadi

Youth demonstrating in Homa Bay town. Photo by Davis Langat.


A celebratory swept through Homa Bay County following the appointment of John Mbadi as the Cabinet Secretary for nominee for Economic planning and National Treasury.

The jubilant residents said that Mbadi was equal to the task and will steer the country’s economy in the growth trajectory. A large crowd of the celebrating residents held processions in Homa Bay Town, where they observed that it was historic that the South Nyanza was getting the first CS for National Treasury.

Homa Bay MCAs led by Michael Nyang’i (Kochia), David Oloo (Kanyamwa Kologi), Susan Onyango (Gwassi South) Victor Okoth (Kaksingry West), nominated MCAs Florence Ouma, Jesica Otieno and Everline Otieno joined the residents in the celebration where they hailed President Dr. William Ruto for appointing Mbadi.

Nyang’i said the Luo community had not had a Cabinet Secretary for Finance since Kenya gained independence. “Mbadi has become the first Cabinet Secretary for Finance in Luo Nyanza since independence. This is historic for us as the Luo community,” Nyang’i said.

He said Mbadi has the requisite skills to transform the economy through prudent fiscal policies. “Mbadi is experienced in accounting and we expect that this knowledge will help him to transform the development agenda of this country,” Nyang’i added.

Oloo said that Mbadi’s appointment would promote national cohesion.  “President Ruto has appointed Mbadi from the opposition coalition and this is very good. We highly encourage this,” Oloo said. Ouma attributed the appointment to political fidelity saying Mbadi has been loyal to the ODM party and that is why the party leadership recommended him to be appointed.

Okoth said they are going to support the Kenya Kwanza Government to ensure Mbadi performs well in the docket.  “We are going to support Mbadi and the government to ensure he serves Kenyans well,” Okoth said.

Onyango expressed confidence that Mbadi’s appointment will facilitate implementation of development projects in Homa Bay County. Youth in Homa Bay town, led by Peter Ogola, Paul Oswago and Philip Otieno also celebrated the appointment of Mbadi.

“We are supporting dialogue in the country, it has brought good fruits,” Ogalo said.

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