Ihururu Traders in Nyeri benefit following newly rehabilitated Market

The newly rehabilitated Ihururu market in Tetu Sub County, Nyeri that was opened to operate for over 150 traders after it received its first facelift since it was opened in 2018.

Nyeri County Government has rehabilitated Ihururu Market in Tetu Sub County since it was opened in 2018, ushering in relief for over 150 traders who operate there.

Speaking when he opened the newly rehabilitated market, Nyeri Governor Mr. Mutahi Kahiga said markets have long formed the epicentre of activities within communities.

Kahiga said markets have acted as sustainable drivers of both rural and urban development, as spaces where people can sell their products promoting their socio-economic welfare and called upon all traders to utilize the spaces in the market for fair trading practices.

He also pledged to ensure water connectivity to the market to maintain a safe and hygienic environment as traders carry out their activities.

Kahiga also added that his Government through the Department of Trade, Tourism, Culture and Cooperatives Development, is committed to improving the business environment and spur economic growth of small scale traders adding that more markets will continue to be built and rehabilitated to improve trade.

“The Department has been able to upgrade and develop 11 markets through the repair and maintenance, construction of market sheds and boda boda sheds, and allocated 19 trading spaces to traders,” said Kahiga.

This comes as Kamukunji traders in Nyeri County today have organised  prayers to thank God for the time they have spent at the grounds before moving to the  newly constructed market at Asians quarters  within Nyeri town.

The traders said they are ready to operate at Asians quarters and thanked the county government of Nyeri for keeping its promise.

Mr. James Mwangi, a father of two expressed his joy saying the Asian quarter market is spacious and has accommodated all traders who have moved from Kamukunji grounds.

Another trader Ms Loise Njagi said since Corona era, they have been operating in difficult conditions but now they are happy because the environment of the new market is conducive.

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