Jealousy boyfriend cut shot girlfriend’s dreams with a single bullet

-Former marathoner, Charity Kiplagat, testifying before an Eldoret court against her former boyfriend, David Kwambai, a former KWS ranger, who allegedly shot her on the left leg four years ago.

Attempted murder

 An aspiring athlete who had secured a full educational scholarship in the United States of America, had her dreams shattered four years ago by a bullet fired by her estranged boyfriend.

Charity Kiplagat broke down in tears as she recounted before an Eldoret court, how her former boyfriend, David Kwambai shot her in her left leg, shuttering her dreams of running and studying in the US on a full scholarship.

Ms. Kiplagat explained to the court that she was preparing to fly out after securing a full education scholarship from Essex County College in the US, but this was not to be, as her former boyfriend, a forest ranger, whom she had separated with, stormed their home, fully armed with a gun and fired at her, shuttering her left leg.

“I survived death by a whisker in the hands of my former boyfriend, David Kwambai, a former Kenya Forest Service, KFS, ranger who stormed our home, while armed with a gun and shot me on the left leg causing severe injuries,” narrated Ms. Kiplagat, before a packed Eldoret court.

She tearfully explained that the college canceled her scholarship programme, because she sustained permanent bullet injuries on the affected leg.

Ms. Kiplagat told the court presided over by Eldoret Judge, Justice Reuben Nyakundi, that the tragic incident has shattered her dreams of ever, taking part in any athletics event for the rest of her life.

“I had secured a full scholarship from Essex County College in the US, where I was set to pursue a career in nursing, and also continue with my athletics passion, but regrettably, I will never live my dream due to the tragic incident,” said Ms. Kiplagat.

She explained to the court that she had ended her relationship with the accused person more than three years before he committed the dastardly act.

Following the shooting, she said, she was rushed to the Eldoret Hospital, where she was admitted for five days due to the severe bullet injuries she had sustained.

Ms. Kiplagat said she incurred a medical bill of more than Sh. 245,000, adding that she was still undergoing medical checkups to date.

Kiplagat who was represented by Mwani Mukabane, was testifying in a case where her ex-boyfriend, David Kwambai, is charged with attempted murder.

He, however, denied the charges that he allegedly committed on November 28, 2021, at Strasburg/Kapsengerut village in Ainabkoi Sub- County, Uasin Gishu County.

Ten witnesses, among them two investigating officers and family members of the Complainant, have been lined-up by the State, to testify against the accused. Justice Nyakundi adjourned the hearing of the case to April 23, 2024.

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