Kericho man charged with defiling mentally disabled girl

Kericho Law Courts along the Kericho-Kisumu highway at Kona C junction.


A 46 – year- old man arraigned before a Kericho court for allegedly defiling a mentally disabled girl at Kapkokwon village in Belgut sub-county within Kericho County has denied committing the offence.

While appearing before Kericho Senior Resident Magistrate Fredrick Nyakundi, the accused person Simion Cheruiyot Keter alias Keret was charged with the main count of defilement contrary to section 8 (1) as read with Section 8(3) of the Sexual Offences Act No. 3 of 2006.

Keter alias Keret also pleaded not guilty to the alternative charge of committing an indecent act with a child contrary to section 11 (1) of the Sexual Offences Act No. 3 of 2006. Meanwhile, the charge sheet read that on 12 July 2024 at Kapkokwon village within Belgut sub-county in Kericho County he intentionally and unlawfully defiled a minor aged 14 years.

The court allowed the prosecution oral application for a pre-bail report pending the accused release on bond or bail terms before the hearing and determination of his case. Thus, the prosecution requested time to obtain a psychiatric examination report on the complainant, and the court set a mention date for 19 July 2024.

The court directed the accused be supplied with copies of the witnesses’ statements and other relevant documents applicable to his trial. Lastly, Hon. Nyakundi directed the accused to be remanded at Kericho GK main prison until 19 July this year when he will be brought back to court for a mention of his case.

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