Khwisero MP to offer affordable credits to traders

Khwisero Member of Parliament (MP) Christopher Aseka


Khwisero Sub County Member of Parliament (MP) Christopher Aseka has agreed to offer affordable Credit to traders in a bid to boost the economy in the area.

This is after meeting with small-scale traders from Mulwanda, Khumutibo, Khusukuti and Emutsesa Markets. He said the traders are the backbone of the local economy and will create more jobs thus ensuring community sustainability.

The legislator was speaking yesterday when he hosted the economic empowerment meeting with the small-scale traders drawn from the constituency. The MP and the traders discussed the challenges and laid out practical solutions to boost their businesses.

“I am committed to supporting you through access to credits and business training to boost your earnings,” he said. He said most traders lack opportunities to vital market connections which has hampered their daily earnings and financial growth.

“Vital market connections will boost your earnings and drive economic growth in our constituency by many folds,” He noted. Most traders in the area said their goods lacked adequate market access leading to huge losses in their business premises due to low stock sales.

“With vibrant market connections promised by our MP, We will be able to sell our merchandise in bulk therefore boosting our daily rates,” said Anne Wekesa one of the local traders from Mulwanda Market.  They also complained of inadequate business training which they asked the MP to offer since most of the traders were semi-illiterate.

“Business expertise is a very important tool of trade. We urge ‘Mheshimiwa‘ to coordinate and ensure we are able to calculate the trends of our business accounts,” averred Moses Nyerere, a local trader.

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