Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu has decried high rate of teenage pregnancies in the county saying men found to have impregnated underage girls risk long jail terms in prison.
Irungu noted the county was among those with the highest cases of underage pregnancies mostly witnessed by the pastoral communities.
Speaking during Jamhuri day celebrations held at Ol Moan trading center, Irungu noted that the high number of underage pregnancies was giving a bad image to the county.
“You go to our maternity facilities and you find young mothers who have given birth with some as young as nine to 13 years,” Governor Irungu said.
“We are not building hospitals for underage mothers, these are girls who should be in school and not in maternity wards, it’s a big shame for this county and we are working closely with law enforcers to arrest anyone found to have impregnated an underage girl,” the governor warned.
Laikipia governor Joshua Irungu (left) and area County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri join Pokot traditional dancers during celebrations to mark Jamhuri day at Ol Moran Trading Centre on December 12, 2023
Irungu also spelt out his government’s achievements since taking office over a year ago noting improvements in the health sector. He has seen the equipping of the Nyahururu Mother and Child Hospital to ease congestion at the maternity wing.
He added that plans were underway to put up a dispensary in every sub-location in the county thus ensuring Universal Health Coverage for all residents.
The Governor further revealed that his government had started supplying soya seeds to local farmers for planting as one way of changing the local perception that they could only grow maize.
Laikipia County Commissioner (CC) Joseph Kanyiri put on notice rustlers whom he said were still terrorizing locals that the government would use all its machinery to curb the vice.
“The government will come after those illegal guns and deal ruthlessly with cattle rustlers, we cannot have a few guns in the wrong hands which these criminals are using to distract peace in the name of stock theft,” said the CC.
Laikipia County Commissioner Joseph Kanyiri addressing residents during celebrations to mark Jamhuri day at Ol Moran Trading Centre on December 12, 2023
Many local politicians skipped the celebrations.