Land buyers asked to engage advocates to avoid fraudulent transactions

Law Society of Kenya, Narok branch officials and State Counsel from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP) enjoy a light moment after holding a meeting at the ODPP office.


The Office of Director of Public Prosecutions in Narok County (ODPP) has called on land buyers and sellers to seek the help of advocates when transacting land to minimize cases of land fraud reported in the area.

Narok Senior State Counsel Gitonga Murangá said cases of innocent people being deceived when purchasing land in the county are common adding that residents lose a lot of money to the fraudsters. He advised land buyers to get assistance from the advocates of their choice, who will help them to follow the due legal process and ensure that the land documents they get are genuine.

“We have had many cases where middle-men exploit innocent people in the name of helping them to purchase or sell land. People end up losing millions of shillings, which they could save if they involved an advocate during the land transactions,” he underscored.

He spoke after holding a meeting with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) Narok branch representatives, where he said his office will continue collaborating with LSK to ensure justice is delivered to the people.

“Today we met with LSK officials because we want to collaborate to address criminal justice for the good of the county,” he said. LSK Narok branch Chairperson Pasiany Masikonte reiterated that the issue of land fraud was becoming a thorn in the fresh as numerous cases of innocent buyers being deceived by land brokers are active in court.

He accused the brokers of taking advantage of the illiterate population to con them money in land transaction deals.

“To avoid seeing our people suffering for losing money or land, it is good they use a legal mind to be advised on the right path to follow. Some people want to buy or sell their land in secret but it does not always work,” he advised.

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