Man arraigned in court for possessing wildlife trophy

Part of the confiscated elephant tusks were intercepted by elite officers from Kenya Wildlife Service in the Governor's area in Mai Mahiu where two suspects have since been charged for being in possession and trafficking of the ivory.


A man has been arraigned before a Narok Court charged with being in possession of elephant tusk weighing 15.90 kilograms of a street value of Sh1.59 million without a valid permit from the director general of Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).

The suspect Edward Pilei was arrested by officials from KWS at Ewaso Nyiro trading center in Narok South Sub County, who found him in possession of the task.

He also faced a second count of dealing with specified endangered wildlife trophy without a permit or other lawful exemptions of the wildlife conservation and management. The suspect was arraigned before Narok Chief Magistrate Hezron Nyaberi and pleaded not guilty of the offence.

The pre-bail ruling will be August 1, 2024.

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