Man succumbs after a drinking spree

Eliud Maina, aged 43 years, who died shortly after consuming illicit brew at a local pub in Kiandege village, Ndaragwa Sub County.


A family in Kiandege village in Leshau Pondo Ward of Ndaragwa Constituency is mourning the loss of their kin after a drinking spree. It was reported that Eliud Maina aged 43 years died shortly after consuming illicit brew at a local pub.

According to his grandmother Serah Wambui, the deceased, a known alcoholic left home and headed to the nearby shopping centre several metres away, but after a short while, he returned home complaining of stomach aches. Relatives said the deceased started vomiting blood, prompting them to rush him to hospital but he succumbed while on the way.

One suspect, a waitress at the pub, was arrested and is being held at the Mairo Inya Police station pending investigations and subsequent arraignment in court. Lashau Pondo Ward MCA claimed most pubs in many parts of Nyandarua County were operating without licenses due to the failure of the security agencies to implement the Alcoholic Drinks Law passed at the County Assembly early this year.

He accused security officers of laxity and colluding with pub operators, hence, such incidents were reported in various parts. Last week, another man died in the same village over the same cause and the residents now want the government to ensure all bar outlets and pubs operating without licenses are closed.

The body was moved to Nyahururu County and Referral Hospital morgue as investigations continued.

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