Man who bite friend’s thumb arraigned in court


A middle-aged man who bit a friend on the thumb following an altercation in a bar has been arraigned before a Kabarnet court charged with assault causing grievous harm.

Anthony Kandie was alleged to have willfully and unlawfully assaulted Simon Ronoh on June 13, 2024, at around 4pm in Kabarnet town, Baringo Central Sub County, thereby causing him actual bodily harm.

Kandie who appeared before Senior Resident Magistrate (SRM) Purity Kosgey and pleaded not guilty to the accusations preferred against on Wednesday faced the charge of assault causing actual bodily harm contrary to section 251 of the penal code.

The court was informed that the two met at the entrance door of a local drinking joint where an altercation ensued before the accused grabbed the complainant’s hand and started biting his right thumb causing him serious cuts.

The complainant, the court heard, was treated at Baringo County Referral Hospital, Kabarnet, before reporting the matter at Kabarnet police station where officers swung into action and apprehended the assailant on June 16.

In her ruling, SRM Kosgey released the accused on personal bond of Sh30,000 with one surety of the same amount or cash bail of Sh10,000 failure to which he be remanded at Kabarnet GK prison.

The case will come up for mention on June 29 when the court will decide on a hearing date with two witnesses lined up to testify against the accused.

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