MCAs record statement on last weeks violence


Six Murang’a MCAs have recorded statements with police over the last week’s destruction of properties as they demanded suspension of the assembly clerk for 60 days to pave the way for independent investigations.

The six, Jane Mukami (nominated), Peter Munga( Murarandia), Laban Chomba (Maragua Ridge/Kambiti), Samson Mukora( Kagundu ini), Kenneth Kamau( Rwathia) and Carolyn Njoroge (Kigumo) vowed they will not be intimidated but will continue protecting Murang’a resources from being misappropriated.

Led by Moses Muchiri, the members who accompanied their colleagues to record statements at the Murang’a Police Station said, they will not be cowed by threats and intimidations for exposing massive corruption at the county assembly.

They called on the investigative agencies to commence investigations focusing at the assembly where millions of shillings have been siphoned with each member and staff travelling out of the country parts with Sh300,000 to a senior member which is later reimbursed from the county assembly budget.

” These are some of the corruption pointers that the members have been able to unearth where millions of shillings have been siphoned,” said Muchiri.

 They also claimed the airfares for the MCAs and staff are hiked by Sh100,000.

Nginda MCA Mr  John Mwangi said the MCAs were pursuing to protect public funds from being misused.

” We are out to raise alarm and protect the interests of Murang’a people thus demand Simon Wamwea and Elizabeth Wambui be out of the county public service board and be replaced by Carolyn Njoroge and John Munyua,” said Mwangi.

 Samson Mukora( Kagundu ini) said no form of intimidation will stop the assembly from fighting the massive corruption. “Let those working to intimidate the MCAs doing their oversight role know that we have just started safeguarding the resources from being misappropriated,” said Mukora.

” There has been mismanagement of finances and that is what we are working to stop,” said Mwangi who represents Nginda ward.

Other allegations they implicated the leadership with include the county assembly service board with six members allocating itself Sh60 million annually, nepotism in the employment of staff, awarding hiked tenders to themselves and close relatives.

Last year, Sh4 million was allegedly paid to a junior staff at the Murang’a County Assembly which was withdrawn at Central Bank which was given in cas to senior staff at the assembly.

Early this month the assembly through a motion impeached Wamwea and Wambui, and last week a supplementary order paper was stopped from being placed after a court order was delivered.

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