Migori ODM officials propose Ochilo for appointment as national chairperson

Migori Orange Democratic Party (ODM) branch officials speaking at the Migori Orange House in Migori town: They have backed Migori Governor Dr. Ochilo Ayacko to be the new ODM National Chairperson. Photo by Evans Shiundu.


Migori Orange Democratic Party (ODM) branch officials have backed Migori Governor Dr. Ochilo Ayacko to be the new ODM National Chairperson.

The post remained vacant after the immediate Chairperson and nominated Member of Parliament John Mbadi was named the Cabinet Secretary for Treasury by President William Ruto. On Friday, the ODM County party leadership led by Migori Secretary General Joseph Olala and residents led by Migori Bunge la Wananchi Collins Osewe drummed up support for Ochilo.

The officials said that they decided to put faith in Ochilo because of his political experience in the country. Osewe said in the last appointments in government, Migori fell shot noting that Ochilo’s push for the chairperson slot will be a move in the right direction.

Mary Nchagwa, a party official noted that Ochilo has the capabilities to take over as the chairperson of the ODM party at the national level. Ochilo has previously served as a Member of Parliament for the larger Rongo, Migori Senator and recently as the Governor. He also served as a minister in the late President Mwai Kibaki’s cabinet.

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