Mt. Kenya Political Rift widens

Mt. Kenya region Members of Parliament during a press conference in Nyahururu. The legislators have ganged and rallied their support on Interior and Coordination Cabinet Secretary Prof Kindiki Kithure. Photo by Antony Mwangi


Following the political rift within Mt. Kenya region, a group of Members of Parliament from the region have ganged and rallied their support behind Interior and Coordination Cabinet Secretary Prof Kindiki Kithure as their chief coordinator in Mt. Kenya Affairs.

The leaders have said that following the prevailing state of affairs and the urgency of the mission ahead, there was a need to have a link that will create a nexus between them and the National Executive on matters development. Accordingly, they announced that they have unanimously endorsed Prof. Kindiki as their leader to foresee that the region’s development agenda is achieved.

 They spoke at a Nyahururu hotel after their consultative meeting dubbed “Mt. Kenya and Diaspora Parliamentary Leaders Forum” that brings together over 45 MPS from Mt. Kenya region.

In their joint statement presented by Lari MP Mburu Kahangara, the leaders observed that despite a well outlined development agenda that came with the Kenya Kwanza government, realization of such meaningful agendas two years on, the region has lacked proper coordination in achieving these goals and hence the need to review leadership.

 They noted that attempts to call the region to the orderly prioritization of the developmental needs of the people have been frustrated by condescending threats of dire political consequences unless “we support certain personal interests” in articulating and lobbying for the interests of the people.

 Fourty six Members of Parliament from Mt. Kenya region blamed DP Rigathi Gachagua for minimal development and stalled development projects in the region.  They rejected the DP leadership saying he has failed the region, and instead focused on selfish political gains.

 The MPs, resolved that the region’s link to the office of the President and other government organs is Interior Cabinet CS Kithure Kindiki.  Led by Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wa, Finance Committee Chairperson Kuria Kimani and Nyandarua Woman Representative Faith Gitau, the leaders said Mt Kenya risked suffering from lack of development with stalled projects.

 “On this basis, we meet to restate our commitment to the unity and development agenda of all the people of Mt Kenya region and those in diaspora, even as we advance the collecting agenda of the Kenyan nation.  “Accordingly, we are convinced beyond doubt that the unity of this region must be pursued in the context of unity of the nation as a whole. We are one indivisible people,” read part of the presser.

 Molo MP Kuria Kimani said the leaders also resolved to champion for a favourable Division of Revenue regime that provides for a formula that greatly benefits the people of Mt Kenya region.

 “The people we represent expect us to spearhead better prices for their tea and coffee. We are behind schedule in enactment of legislative reforms critical to the revitalization of key economic sectors relevant to our constituents. There are also a number of roads, water and electricity projects which stalled years ago that require priority funding for completion,” said the Molo MP.

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