Multi-Sectoral Peace Forum Formed to Promote Peace

Acting Kakamega Central Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) James Mwakio speaking during inauguration of the Kakamega sub-county Multi-Sectorial Coordination and Collaboration Forum on Peace and Security in Kakamega town. He said the committee will be meeting monthly and develop work plans on peace and security and also propose recommendations to mitigate and prevent threats and risks


The Government has formed multi-sectorial forums involving stakeholder groups across all counties and sub counties to promote peace, security and enhance conflict resolution.

Speaking in Kakamega during inauguration of the Kakamega sub-county Multi-Sectorial Coordination and Collaboration Forum on Peace and Security, Acting Kakamega Central Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) James Mwakio, said the forums will also help enhance communication and information sharing, build trust, social cohesion and early warning systems.

The committee includes government security agencies and other bodies, community, civil societies, the private sector, elders, transport sector and religious leaders among others. According to Mwakio, the forums are key to help foster peace and peaceful co-existence among Kenyans. 

“The members of the committee will be meeting monthly and develop work plans on peace and security and also propose recommendations to mitigate and prevent threats and risks”, he added. Members of the committee hailed the government for the initiative that comes under the backdrop of the past month that saw protests erupt across the country.

Initially focused on the rejection of the country’s 2024 Finance Bill, the protests later degenerated to theft and looting of businesses. Members also the police and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to be pro-active whenever cases that threaten the peace are reported.

The chairman of the sub-county peace committee Cleophas Musungu called for stronger partnership and implementation of resolutions made.

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